From talent to recruitment

The year 2021 is coming to an end. It was a special year in many ways. A year with a major impact on everyone’s personal and work life.

A year in which people’s personal well-being came under extra pressure because of the pandemic. Personal well-being affects not only the family situation, but also the workplace. Many employers have anticipated this, by giving extra attention, a sympathetic ear, flexibility and extra attention at difficult and special moments.

The insight this brings is that we must do it together, team spirit. For that you need team members with different talents. People who complement each other, diversity.

With the shortage in the labour market, it is a challenge to find the right candidates for a job. Looking for “someone” with the right “CV” is not enough anymore and never really was. The Curriculum Vitae says something about someone’s education and work experience, but little to nothing about their talents, strengths and goals. What if the person with the best CV enters the organisation and turns out not to fit in with the culture of the company and the team? This leads to great disappointment for everyone.

My working method is always personal. My conviction is that I bring people into an organisation with the right talents to achieve success. People who can work from their strengths and are happy in their job and team are proven to be productive. Maybe not exactly the background mentioned in the job profile? Maybe not exactly the education or training level? Yet this can be a good match. This requires good and honest communication to my clients, but also to candidates. That is what I stand for and what I will continue to do with full energy in 2022 through this new company.

In combination with EP Coaching, I can optimally serve the entire recruitment process for both client and candidate. I always do this from a position of sincere involvement, with the motivation of getting the very best out of people. I am convinced that this is the only way to achieve successful partnerships. It starts with getting to know you!

Here’s to a successful 2022 and many personal introductions that will lead to great successes for everyone!

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